8-year-old boy makes $1.3 million a year via YouTube

Posted on Sep 23 2014 - 5:20pm by IBC News

What were you up to when you were 8-years-old? Probably something less impressive than Evan.

Evan is the kid behind EvanTubeHD, which is a family-friendly YouTube channel where Evan (and occasionally his sister or mom) reviews toys and video games. And Evan rakes in $1.3 million a year from posting his toy reviews to YouTube.

It started out as a fun project Evan and his dad embarked on together. The pair would make Angry Birds stop-motion videos, and according to a Newsweek interview with Jared, Evan’s father, “all of the proceeds from the channel goes into investment and savings accounts for their children.”

Tech-savvy and smart. Not a bad combo.

In an interview with Newsweek, we learn a little more about the business behind Evan’s viral videos. Jared says they have a dedicated sales team that sells ads and negotiates deals with brands and businesses.

“These include both ads that appear in and around each video as well as products actually featured in our videos. The majority of the revenue is generated by the ads placed on the video itself,” he says. “Outside of the networks, YouTube/Google handles all ad placement within the site. Content creators have a few options regarding the format of ads they would like to allow on their videos.

But the actual ads are chosen by some higher power.”