Czechs are world’s biggest beer guzzlers

Posted on Sep 28 2014 - 10:30am by IBC News

Czech Republic recently topped the list of “50 maximum beer-drinking countries,” provided by an e-commerce company, it has been reported.

Retale , recently created an interactive globe, which ranks the top 50 countries by per capita beer consumption, and revealed that Czechs guzzle some 149 liters of beer, or about 315 pints, per person every year, the Huffington Post reported.

Austria and Germany holds the second and third position respectively followed by Estonia and Poland at fourth and fifth positions respectively.

Whereas, America earned the 14th position with 77.1 litres per capita and Belgium took the 18th place on the list.

India also made the list and earned the last place with just 2 liters per capita.

To create the data, it relied on 2012 survey data collected by Kirin Holdings, a Japanese beer company.