Bank of Canada urges Leonard Nimoy fans to stop ‘Spocking’ bank notes

Posted on Mar 5 2015 - 12:00pm by IBC News

In a trend dubbed “Spocking,” Canadians have taken to drawing pointy ears and tiled brows on top of Canada’s seventh prime minister, Sir. Wilfrid Laurier, to make him look like Dr. Spock, the half-Vulcan, half-human Star Trek character made famous by Nimoy.

It has also led the Bank of Canada to issue a statement urging people to please stop.

While it is not illegal to deface Canadian bills, “there are important reasons why it should not be done,” Bank of Canada spokeswoman Josianne Menard told USA TODAY in an emailed statement.

Menard cited practical reasons, as well as “national pride.”

“Writing on a bank note may interfere with the security features and reduces its lifespan. Markings on a note may also prevent it from being accepted in a transaction,” she said.

“Furthermore, the Bank of Canada feels that writing and markings on bank notes are inappropriate as they are a symbol of our country and a source of national pride.”

But the trend continued on Tuesday with people posting their drawings on Twitter — including from countries like the U.S. and Scotland.

Nimoy died last week at the age of 83. He was an actor, poet, director and singer, but he was best known for his portrayal of the rational Dr.

Spock, whom he played from 1965 to 1969.