Angelina Jolie to overcome the fears of ovarian surgery by ‘Unbroken’ movie

Posted on Apr 4 2015 - 3:29pm by IBC News Bureau

Angelina Jolie has admitted that her recently directed movie ‘ Unbroken’ helped her to overcome the fears of her recent ovarian surgery to prevent cancer.

The ‘Maleficent’ actress said that with the ‘Louis Zamperini’, the real-life inspired lead character of her directed movie about an Olympic athlete-turned-prisoner of war, helped her to realize the strength of every individual.

The 39-year-old actress, who underwent preventative surgery to have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed because of cancer fears, added that late Zamperini strengthened her beliefs, taught her to focus on what was important and inspired her to handle the twists and turns of the life.