Yahoo has released a new version of its mail for desktop that allows the users to view both their email and attachments side-by-side.
Mayukh Bhaowal, senior product manager, Yahoo Mail, explained in a blog post that when the users select a mail attachment, an attachment preview will appear so that they can read their message or compose a reply, while still viewing the document.
Till now, the users had to switch back and forth between reading or composing an email and viewing the attachment. Now, when the users click on an attachment, a side-by-side preview will appear so they can read their message or even reply, all while viewing their attachment.
In addition, Yahoo has added an expanded preview mode for smaller screens and a presentation mode for PowerPoint that allows the users to open slides full-screen within the app.
The design is responsive, so if the users reduce the size of their window, the preview will automatically turn into the expanded preview mode so that the attachment is still available for view. Also, they can still get context of the message by hovering over ‘back to message.’
Yahoo says the ultimate aim to never have to download attachments.
The new preview feature is now available to the U.S.