Karnataka Marwari Samaj Organized Jaipur Foot Distribution Camp 

Posted on Sep 28 2015 - 11:18am by IBC News Bureau

8th year Function by  KMS  is Organized  Free Jaipur Foot camp in  Bengaluru on Sunday  27th September 2015 at 10:30 am at Maharaja  AgrasenBhavanJayanagar. Honourable Governor of Goa Smt. Mridula Sinha has kindly consented to be the chief Guest,

Bengaluru 27th September 2015  : Karnataka Marwari Samaj, Bengaluru in association with Bhagwan Mahaveer Vikalang Sahayata Samiti (Jaipur Foot) is Organized   a Free Jaipur  foot Distribution  camp for footless. More than 150 patients were provided with Jaipur foot, callipers (for polio effected patients) and crutches for handicapped at  Maharaja AgrasenBhavan, No.340/8, 2nd Cross, 1st Block, Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar Bangalore on Sunday 27th September 2015, time 10:30 am . Honourable Governor of Goa Smt.

Mridula Sinha, will be chief Guest, Dr. Narpat Solanki, Chairman- Dr.Solanki Eye Hospital & Project Drishti and Sri Pawan Ji Poddar- Managing Director –Ashirvad Pipes Pvt Ltd, has kindly consented to be Guest of Honors.

“It is a clear our social vision and commitment to help the disabled regain mobility and dignity by fitting high-quality, durable artificial limbs and other aids and appliances. We have received patients from all parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, we realised  this was not just about fitting limbs but also about restoring dignity to other human beings, and in the process to ourselves, for it is in giving that we receive.’’. Says
Mr. Bimal Kumar Saraogi, Project Director, and Karnataka Marwari Samaj.

Mr.Anil Kumar Alampuria, President, Karnataka Marwari Samaj said ‘We are very proud  to continue our  social services every year , so that more and more  people can be benefited’ .

The artificial limbs provided by Karnataka Marwari samaj uses Jaipur Limb Technology. This technology has been developed and further refined by the research and development team of the society. The Jaipur Limb is a one-stop facilities and the patients who come are measured and their custom-made limb/caliper are fabricated and fitted, without making them visit again a second time. it is so efficient that after this limb is fitted, a person can walk like a normal person without a stick or support, and even run, ride a bicycle and climb a tree. After the fitment many of the patients can  go back to work in the field, factories, shops and offices.

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