India leaning towards the Ka-226 helicopters

Posted on Oct 28 2015 - 12:12pm by IBC News Bureau

The Government of India is leaning towards purchasing Ka-226 helicopters from Russia and also creating facilities for own domestic production of these aircraft, reporters learned on Tuesday from Anatoly Isaykin, head of Rosoboronexport.

“According to the results of the tender, the Indian side is interested in purchasing Ka-226 helicopters and also in establishing domestic production facilities. The Russian side is ready to transfer these technologies to India,†he said.

Russia and India are the largest partners in the military-technical cooperation sphere – more than 70% of armaments and military equipment in the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy are of Russian and Soviet manufacture.

According to estimates by the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, in 2014, Russia supplied $4.7 billion in weapons and military equipment to India, in 2013 – $4.78 billion.

Source from India Defence News.

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