It seems like Laverne Cox has joined Emma Watson’s gender equality project as she has been “hashtag brainstorming” and has even sparked a debate on the social media after tweeting #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchysparking .
The ‘Orange Is the New Black’ star took to Twitter expressing “@EmWatson the logic behind #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy is an indictment of the system of patriarchal oppression and its values not of men”.
The 31-year-old actress, who was the first transgender woman in 2014 to cover Time magazine, continued tweeting “@EmWatson folks of all genders can uphold patriarchal systems & values or find ways to resist & the spaces between #ILoveMenButHatePatriarchy”, “@EmWatson disagreement is cool.
Interestingly, Watson is a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. whereas Cox has been an active LGBT advocate.