Social activist Anna Hazare on Wednesday said that instead of fending off allegations now, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should have checked the background of his Principal Secretary Rajender Kumar who has been accused of corruption by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
“Kejriwal has been always been fighting against corruption and I have always told Arvind to have people of good character around him. He should have done a background check on Rajender and found out about his character and his position in society earlier,” Anna told the media here.
However, he also accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of taking ‘late’ action and questioned the timing of the raid by the CBI.
“BJP and AAP are now playing blame games over the CBI raid on Rajender’s office and the checking of files in Kejriwal’s chambers. But my question is over the timing of this entire incident. CBI has had this case for so long and the BJP has been in power for one-and-a-half-years and they did not think of doing this before. Action should have been taken the moment the problem was discovered,” Anna said.
However, maintaining that he had no intention to intervene in the ongoing war of words between the state government and the Centre, he expressed his sadness over the corruption charges being levelled at IAS and IPS officers and said that they were they people who had the power to change the country.