6 pain relieving foods

Posted on Mar 7 2014 - 10:08pm by IBC News
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Cherries: According to research, these tiny, sweet fruits help in muscle repair. Have cherry juice or a bowl of this fruit post your work out.

Garlic: This pungent spice has been known to be a painkiller since centuries. Apply it on a skin rash or heat it with a tablespoon of olive oil and apply on the aching joints.

Ginger: According to Ayurveda, adding fresh or dried ginger to your diet helps prevent and cure muscular and joint pains. According to research, it also helps curb swelling and stiffness.

Oats: Loaded with magnesium, oats have been seen to play a role in easing menstrual cramps and bring relief from endometriosis. Also containing zinc, they are recommended for women who suffer from painful periods.

Grapes: A cup of grapes, eaten daily, can help relieve your backache. These fruits contain nutrients that increase blood circulation to the lower back, reducing the pain.

Cloves: This condiment helps fight toothache, and as a result, features in toothpastes. Dab a little clove oil on a cotton swab and put it on the aching tooth

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