New age learning

Posted on Feb 5 2014 - 11:01pm by IBC News

Over the last decade, there have been dramatic changes in the use of technology in schools. The introduction of ICT in schools has enabled teachers to explain concepts and ideas more effectively.Schools are purchasing extensive amounts of hardware and software, setting up broadband access and training teachers to use technology.

Technology is everywhere today and there is no escaping it.  Children and young people take naturally to technology and spend much of their time using digital technology for entertainment, socialising and learning.

Digitization is fascinating for everyone and more so for schools. Bringing technology into the classroom gives an experiential edge to students as they respond better to new age interactive devices. The chalk and board method of teaching has been enhanced by the inclusion of digital classrooms that comprise digital boards and cloud technology. Also, there is an increasing trend of tier 2 and 3 cities adopting technology in schools. Schools in towns like Sangli (Maharashtra), Kolar (Karnataka) and Surat (Gujarat) are increasingly implementing technology in their classrooms. But this is just the beginning. What the future holds for technology in education is much more than what we can imagine. Here are some technological trends that will occupy the future classrooms, some of which have already made their way into modern classrooms:

Games and Gamification:

Gamification is about integrating game dynamics in to your content, curriculum, and community to drive understanding and participation. Examples includesimulations, role-playing, student developed apps, achievement badges and self-paced learning.Digitized classrooms:

Digitization will find its way in every aspect of the classroom. Apart from projectors and smart boards, the future of digitized classroom will mean:

Individual dissemination through desk-sized screens and smart devices in the classroom, with eye-tracking and attention tracking technologies

Implementation of universal classroom performance dashboards that tracks and evaluates a student’s performance in a way that is easy to share and understand.Immersive Education:

Immersive education involves learning platforms that integrate interactive 3D graphics, games, simulations, virtual reality, rich media and collaborative environments. Examples include eyewear, head-up display (HUD), retinal screens, holography, neuro-infomatics and immersive virtual reality.

Learning Analytics:

This will help teachers access the top concerns and achievements of their students.

Technology can be a great equaliser in a classroom with diverse learners. For example, whena teacher finds it difficult to identify the level of understanding of each of the 30 plus students in one class, learning analytics come in handy.

What India needs is to go on a war footing to invest in educational technology and build digital classrooms right from the grass root levels. Schools across states in metros as well as rural areas need to create digital platforms for educational content. This will surely create a sound foundation for young students by enhancing their information and communication technology skills. It makes education more interactive and creates an unparalleled level of interest in students.

The exposure to such positive technologies in schools is already making the students world ready. We should take advantage of this momentum and use technology to engage young people in further researchand learning. I believe that technology-enabled learning will be critical in revamping India’s education system, which has over 15 lakh schools in both private and public domain

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