TEDx is coming to the International University of Monaco

Posted on Jun 3 2014 - 10:11pm by IBC News

June 2014 – Co-organised with the International University of Monaco (IUM), the first TEDx in Monaco, TEDxIUM will be held on June 6, 2014 in Monte-Carlo. TEDxIUM is an independently organised event licensed by TED featuring a day of “Ideas Worth Spreading”.

The theme for this first TEDx in Monaco is “SMALL is the new big”. Monaco is a fitting venue for this theme since despite being the second smallest country in the world, it is home to many successes: 50+ years of coral and marine research (Centre Scientific de Monaco), record breaking electric engines (Venturi), under water living (SeaOrbiter) are only some of the examples of how, though small in size, Monaco has accomplished many global achievements.

During the TEDx event, true to the format of TED conferences, world renowned speakers will give the talk of their lives in less than 18 minutes. The diversity of speakers and their breadth of experience range from academia and psychology to sports, music and the arts. The goal of their talks will be to ignite a spark in people to think big and to help people to think about their “small” ideas, passions and their dreams.

The list of speakers will soon be released at the TEDxIUM dedicated website www.tedxium.com. The website also provides the registration platform for 100 people and the TEDxIUM live streaming room will be set up for free access at the International University of Monaco from 10:00 -18:00.

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design three areas that are collectively shaping our future. The local, self–‐organised events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized event bringing people together to create TED–‐like experience.

For more information contact: [email protected]

Facebook or Twitter: TEDxIUM

Or visit website www.tedxium.com

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